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State Coordinator Lesson # 2


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State Census Coordinator
Lesson # 2
Doing Sign Ups

You will receive a message like the following:

Date: December 15,2003
Suibj: Signup Notice

Name: David J. Brooks
OS: Windows ME
State(s): Alabama
Blount County
Year(s): 1840

What is it? It is someone who has decided to help us by volunteering at our web site.

Here are the steps in doing a signup:
1. Check your database. Is that transcription assigned already? In this case yes there was, but we will continue with the assignment letter.

2. Go to the State Census year page and check there until you have completed your database validation. In this case I found an error in my Database so I corrected it by deleting the prior assignment.

3. If the assignment is available, go to when the page comes up fill in the Password (Separate Message) already sent, Fill in all datafields. A few comments:
A) some eastern states have very large counties in the earlier censuses. Feel free to assign less than a full county. If you have town data assign no more that 3 towns or no more than 50 pages.
B) You will learn to copy and paste early. You are entering the same data twice, in your database and on this site.
C) check twice before sending If you do make an error, contact Christine Ayers whose address was in the maintaining database lesson.

4. Do not assign multiple assignments to the same transcriber, no more than 3 enumeration districts, minor civil districts or one county to a beginner. A more experienced transcriber canb be assigned the max of 6 e.d's or one county.

5. A letter is automatically generated to the transcribed cc you and several others, That data requested is absolutely necessary. For example there are a few transcribers still using Windows ME. This interim operating system has many problems, especially with Centrans. Print a copy of the reply letter and use it as a tickler. If you have no reply in seven days, follow up with them. If no data in two weeks, write a nice letter telling them that the assignment is being held til we get the requested data. After trhee weeks have Christine erase the Assignment if no data.

We keep the data confidential, Many folks are reluctant to give the phone number. Try to get it by telling them that only you and the coordinator will have access to that data. Keep the data that confidential.

6. When you get the reply letter confirming that they are doing the assignment, record the data into your database and go to This looks somewhat differently the the prior site. Fill in the data and click on submit.

At this point the assignment letter is generated. You are notified when it is sent.Make a tickler for yourself for one week from the assignment letter. You should receive the first 60 submission. If not follow up with the transcriber.

7. I always send a personalized letter to each new volunteer. I remind them that we need the first 60 submission. This is to ensure that everyone is doing the transcription the same way.

Earnie Breeding

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